Elvie Stride

Elvie Stride is an hospital-grade hands-free breast pump. It allow the users to pump on the go when needed, offering -300 mmHg of pumping performance without sacrificing comfort or portability. It comes with two cups and a small Hub sitting outside your bra, which can be clipped on a belt or your clothes.

Product: Medical Device

Date : 2021

Key Awards:

Elvie Stride 2022- Red Dot Awards - Babies and Children

Elvie Stride 2022- Shortlisted Dezeen Awards - Wearable design

Elvie Stride 2021- TIME Magazine - Best Inventions Award

As part of a multi-disciplinary team, I successfully designed and led the development of the electronic integrated part of the product (Elvie Stride Hub) and its accessories, from early concepts to mass production.

  • - Planned priorities, milestones and deliverables following a robust design process.

    - Led a small team of Industrial and Engineer designers (depending on resources availability).

    - Worked along with different product development support teams: project manager, product manager, research team, electronic team, software team, operation, manufacturing, quality team....

    - Created, reviewed, and approved design-controlled documentation including:

    - 2D and 3D drawings

    - BOM’s

    - Design Requirements

    - Product Specifications

    - Test Plans / Test Methods / Test Reports

    - ECOs

    - RFQ packs

  • - Creation of functional Rigs to asses basic technology feasibility.

    - Creation of ergonomic prototypes to validate user experience.

    - Creation of prototypes to validate overall shape based on brand language.

    - Creation of CMF alongside with other Industrial designers.

    - Creation of development Rigs combining technology, overall shape, user interface.

    - Creation of developmentt Rigs combining the above and assembly process.

    - Creation of development Rigs considering the above and tooling requirement.

    - Creation and definition of a specific vacuum Pumping Profile related to this Breast Pump.

    - Definition user interaction flow chart to define pump behaviours.

    - Worked with electronic team to integrate PCBA / Battery shape into the design.

    - Worked with electronic team to validate FW based on pumping profile / UI flow.

    - Supporting and defining user trials in collaboration with the Research Team.

    - Reviewing and integrating feedback from user trials at each development Rigs.

    - Working with suppliers through DFM for tooling approval.

    - Working with contract manufacturer on assembly steps and timing.

Elvie Stride evolution from early development Rigs until Production Validation

Elvie Stride Hub Mass Production

Design and Engineering Features.

  • - Definition and creation of reliability test plan based on Product Specification and FMEA for Engineer / Design / Production Validation.

    - Supporting external testing agencies for some reliability tests (e.g. IP22..)

    - Supporting and leading team with test methods / test reports according to plan.

    - Supporting quality team on validating test methods / test reports into QMS.

    - Supporting Quality Team with FDA application.

    - Refining product design and specification documentation based on test results.

    - Working with suppliers through DFM for tooling modification validation.

    - Supporting Customer Care work flow based on potential issues / questions from customers.

    - Supporting Continuous improvement work after product launch focusing mainly:

    - Design improvement based on customers feedback

    - World-Wide shortages

    - Margin and Production improvement

Elvie Stride Hub Design Validation samples for testing.

Elvie Stride Hub setup for vibration test.

Elvie Stride Hub Accessories: Puck Holder and Hook.

Elvie Stride and accessories